Legal notice

Corporation under public law
represented by its President Dr. Jens Bormann, LL.M. (Harvard)

Mohrenstraße 34
10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 3838 66 0
Fax: +49 30 383866 66
e-mail: bnotk[at]

VAT identification number: DE122788238

In accordance with Section 77(2) BNotO, the Bundesnotarkammer is subject to the legal supervision of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. More detailed provisions on the decision-making bodies of the Bundesnotarkammer and their competences are set out in the by-laws in accordance with Section 89 BNotO.

Director-General of the Bundesnotarkammer:
Notary a.D. Max Ehrl

Design and implementation of the website:

Design and implementation of the web application:
adesso SE

Photo credits:
Homepage header image:

Homepage photo “Simply go to the notary online” | undrey

Simply go to the notary online

Contact support
In case of technical issues, we can be contacted by e-mail. If you wish to, please call us free of charge on Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00.