You would like to form a limited liability company (GmbH) or an entrepreneurial company (UG (limited liability))?
Or you are not yet sure which type of company would be the right one for your project?
Then book your online appointment with a notary now and receive a comprehensive legal advice. The notary will draft tailor-made articles of association for you as well as all other required documents including the list of shareholders and the commercial register application.
Once all questions have been clarified, the notarisation will take place online via video conference. Thus, you can easily participate from anywhere.
Afterwards, your notary will take the necessary steps to register your company in the commercial register. The notary will also verify that the information has been correctly published by the register.
You can find more information on the necessary steps to form a companyhere.
Notarial fees are regulated by law and are the same throughout Germany. Your notary will gladly explain the statutory fees in detail. All services are included in the fees, from the initial consultation and drafting of the contract to its notarisation and closing. Further information and examples of notarial fees are available here.